The world seen by DME instruments - Topography

- PZT ceramics (left) and surface of a polished glass lens (right)

- Atomic layers of HOPG (Highly Ordered Pyrolytic Graphite): Topography (left) and height profile across
one atomic layer

- SiC and Graphene atomic layers: topography (left) and phase (right) are measured simultaneously.

- Single atomic resolved UHV-STM image. Measured by AG Peter Jakob, Physik, Uni Marburg.

- Nanodots on carbonized tungsten, UHV-STM. Measured by Bachmann / AG Memmel, Physikalische Chemie, Uni Innsbruck.

- HOPG layer in air, AFM DC mode, electrical current (Conductive AFM), obtained with UHV AFM.

- Colon cancer cells

- Colon cancer cells
Publications of customers
- K. Vels Hansen, Y. Wu, T. Jacobsen, M. B. Mogensen, L. Theil Kuhn,
Improved controlled
atmosphere high temperature scanning probe microscope,
Review of Scientific Instruments, Volume 84, Issue 7, 2013
- Mohammad A. Behnajady, Mahsa Hajiahmadi,
Intensification of Azo Dye Removal Rate
in the Presence of Immobilized Nanoparticles and Inorganic Anions under UV-C Irradiation:
Optimization by Response Surface Methodology,
International Journal of Photoenergy, Volume 2013, 2013, Article ID 289290
- Vahideh Tajer-Kajinebaf, Hossein Sarpoolaky, Toraj Mohammadi,
Synthesis of Nanostructured Anatase
Mesoporous Membranes with Photocatalytic and Separation Capabilities for Water Ultrafiltration Process ,
International Journal of Photoenergy, Volume 2013, 2013, Article ID 509023
- Shabnam Sheshmani, Marzieh Arab Fashapoyeh,
Suitable Chemical Methods for
Preparation of Graphene Oxide, Graphene and Surface Functionalized Graphene Nanosheets ,
Acta Chimica Slovenica, Volume 60, Issue 4, December 2013, Pages 813-825
- Saeed Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza Golobostanfard1, Hossein Abdizadeh,
Synthesis and Characterization of
Indium Niobium Oxide Thin Films via SoleGel Spin Coating Method ,
Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Volume 29, Issue 10, October 2013, Pages 923-928
- Ahmad Allahbakhsh, Farhad Sharif, Saeedeh Mazinani,
The influence of
oxygen-containing functional groups on the surface behavior and roughness characteristics of
graphene oxide,
Nano, Volume 08, Issue 04, August 2013
- A. Oberle, K. Lüdtke-Buzug,
analysis of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (spions) at 37 °C,
Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik, Volume 58, Issue SL-1-C, August 2013
- Sozaraj Rasappa, Dipu Borah, Ramsankar Senthamaraikannan, Colm Faulkner, Jing J. Wang, Justin D. Holmes,
Michael A. Morris,
Fabrication of germanium nanowire arrays by block copolymer lithography,
Science of Advanced Materials, Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2013, Pages 782-787
- Mohammad Karimi, Forouzan Aboufazeli, Hamid Reza Lotfi Zadeh Zhad, Omid Sadeghi, Ezzatollah Najafi,
modified nanoporous stir bar for simultaneous determination of Cu(II) and Cd(II) ions in natural samples prior to flame atomic absorption spectroscopy,
Polish Journal of Chemical Technology, Volume 15, Issue2, June 2013, Pages 86-93
- Franz R. Eder, Jani Kotakoski, Katharina Holzweber, Clemens Mangler, Viera Skakalova, Jannik C. Meyer,
Probing from both sides: Reshaping the graphene landscape via face-to-face Dual-Probe Microscopy,
Nanoletters, Volume 13, Issue 5, May 2013, Pages 1934-1940
- Elo Kibena, Kaido Tammeveski, Leonard Matisen, Ulrich Hasse, Fritz Scholz,
OHradical dot radical
degradation of blocking aryl layers on glassy carbon and gold electrodes leads to film thinning on
glassy carbon and pinhole films on gold,
Electrochemistry Communications, Volume 29, April 2013, Pages 33-36
- Mehdi Farhoodi, Seyed Mohammad Mousavi, Zahra Emam-Djomeh, Rahmat Sotudeh-Gharebagh, Abdolrasul Oromiehie,
A Study on Morphology and Characterization of Polyethylene Terephthalate-Synthetic Mica Nanocomposites:
Food Packaging Applications ,
1st International e-Conference on novel Food Processing, Feb 26-27,2013
- Azadehsadat Hashemi Doulabi, Hamid Mirzadeh,Mohammad Imani, Nasrin Samadi,
glycol fumarate blend film: Physical and antibacterial properties,
Carbohydrate Polymers, Volume 92, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 48-56
- S. Schreyeck, N. V. Tarakina, G. Karczewski, C. Schumacher, T. Borzenko, C. Bruene, H. Buhmann, C. Gould,
K. Brunner, L. W. Molenkamp,
Molecular beam epitaxy of high
structural quality Bi2Se3 on lattice matched InP(111) substrates,
Applied Physics Letter, Volume 102, Issue 4, January 2013
- Jana Wotschadlo, Tim Liebert, Joachim H. Clement, Nils Anspach, Stephanie Höppener, Tobias Rudolph,
Robert Müller, Felix H. Schacher, Ulrich S. Schubert, Thomas Heinze,
Biocompatible Multishell
Architecture for Iron Oxide Nanoparticles,
Macromolecular Bioscience, Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 93-105
- Alexey V. Kondyurin, Pourandokht Naseri, Jennifer M. R. Tilley, Neil J. Nosworthy, Marcela M. M. Bilek,
David R. McKenzie,
Mechanisms for Covalent Immobilization of Horseradish Peroxidase on Ion-Beam-Treated Polyethylene,
Scientifica, Volume 2012, 2012, Article ID 126170
- Michael Schmidt, Feroze Nazneen, Gregoire Herzog, Damien Arrigan, Paul Galvin, Calum Dickinson,
Johann P. de Silva, Declan Scanlan, Neal O'Hara, Graham L. W. Cross, Nikolay Petkov, Justin D. Holmes,
Microscopy Study of FIB Patterned Stainless Steel Surfaces as Novel Nano-Structured Stents for
Cardiovascular Applications,
MRS Proceedings, Volume 1466, 2012
- Shahin KasraeiI; Mohadese Azarsina,
Addition of
silver nanoparticles reduces the wettability of methacrylate and silorane-based composites,
Brazilian Oral Research, Volume 26, Issue 6, November/December 2012
- Bo Chen, Roanne R. Jones, Shengli Mi, James Foster, Simon G. Alcock, Ian W. Hamleya, Che J. Connon,
The mechanical
properties of amniotic membrane influence its effect as a biomaterial for ocular surface repair,
Soft Matter, Volume 8, Issue 32, August 2012, Pages 8379-8387
- Sahadevan Rajesh, Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, Doraiswamy R. Mohan,
Structure-property interplay of poly(amide-imide) and TiO2 nanoparticles impregnated poly(ether-sulfone)
asymmetric nanofiltration membranes,
RSC Advances, Volume 2, Issue 17, August 2012, Pages 6854-6870
- Seyed Ismail Seyed Shahabadi, Hamid Garmabi,
Polyethylene/Na+-montmorillonite composites
prepared by slurry-fed melt intercalation: Response surface analysis of rheological behavior,
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Volume 31, Issue 14, July 2012, Pages 977-988
- Hui-Hsin Tseng, Kaimin Shih, Pei-Ting Shiu, Ming-Yen Wey,
Influence of support
structure on the permeation behavior of polyetherimide-derived carbon molecular sieve composite membrane,
Journal of Membrane Science, Volumes 405-406, July 2012, Pages 250-260
- Vyacheslav O. Khavrus, Mathias Weiser, Marco Fritsch, Raghunandan Ummethala, Maria Grazia Salvaggio,
Michael Schneider, Mihails Kusnezoff, Albrecht Leonhardt,
Application of Carbon
Nanotubes Directly Grown on Aluminum Foils as Electric Double Layer Capacitor Electrodes,
Chemical Vapor Deposition, Volume 18, Issue 1-3, March 2012, Pages 53-60
- M. Malekshahi Byranvand, A. Nemati Kharat and L. Fatholahi,
Influence of Nanostructured TiO 2 Film Thickness on Photoelectrode Structure and Performance of flexible Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,
Journal Of NanoStructures, Volume 2, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 327-332
- Mohammad Massumi, Mozhgan Abasi, Hamideh Babaloo, Panieh Terraf, Mojtaba Sa?, Mahdi Saeed, Jalal Barzin,
Mojgan Zandi, Masoud Soleimani,
The Effect of Topography on
Differentiation Fates of Matrigel-Coated Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells Cultured on PLGA Nanofibrous
Tissue Engineering Part A., Volume 18, Issue 5-6, March 2012, Pages 609-620
- A. Mohammadi, M. Barikani, M. Barma,
Fabrication and characterization of
Magnetic Fe3O4/polyurethane nanocomposites ,
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanostructures (Kish Island, Iran), March 2012
- Magdalena Bachmann, Norbert Memmel, Erminald Bertel,
Noble-metal nanostructures
on carburized W(110),
Surface Science, Volume 605, Issues 13-14, July 2011, Pages 1263-1270
- D. Borah, M. T. Shaw, S. Rasappa, R. A. Farrell, C. O'Mahony, C. M. Faulkner, M. Bosea, P. Gleeson,
J. D. Holmes , M. A. Morris ,
Plasma etch technologies for the development of
ultra-small feature size transistor devices,
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Volume 44, Issue 17, May 2011, Article 174012
- Hossein Yari, Mohsen Mohseni, Bahram Ramezanzadeh,
A mechanistic study of
degradation of a typical automotive clearcoat caused by bird droppings,
Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 83-95
- M.E. Khosroshahi , M.S. Nourbakhsh,
and characterization of self assembled gold nanoparticles on amino functionalized SiO2 dielectric core,
World academy of science, engineering and technology, Volume 4, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 310-314
- Kerstin Donner, Peter Jakob,
Structural porperties and site specific interactions of Pt with the graphene/Ru(0001) moire overlayer,
The Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 131, Issue 16, October 2009, Article 164701
- Abdolmajid Bayandori Moghaddam, Tayebe Nazari, Jalil Badraghi, Mahmood Kazemzad,
Synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles and
electrodeposition of polypyrrole/ZnO nanocomposite film,
Journal of Electrochemical Science, Issue 2, February 2009, Pages 247-257
- S. H. Wang, G. Xu, S. L. Tan,
Development of a metrological atomic force
microscope for nano-scale standards calibration,
SPIE Proceedings, Volume 7155
- K. Vels Hansen, C. Sander, S. Koch, M. Mogensen,
Controlled Atmosphere High Temperature SPM
for electrochemical measurements,
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 61, 2007, Pages 389-393
- N. Barbakadze, S. Enders, S. Gorb, E. Arzt,
Local mechanical properties of the head
articulation cuticle in the beetle Pachnoda marginata (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae),
The Journal of Experimental Biology, Volume 209, February 2006, Pages 722-730
- T. Ohsawa, Y. Yamamoto, M. Sumiya, Y. Matsumoto, H. Koinuma,
Combinatorial scanning tunneling microscopy
study of Cr deposited on anatase TiO2(001) surface,
Langmuir, Volume 20, Issue 8, March 2004, Pages 3018-3020
- U. Stahl, D. Gador, A. Soukopp, R. Fink, E. Umbach,
superstructures in chemisorbed NTCDA monolayers: a combined LEED and STM study,
Surface Science, Volume 414, Issue 3, September 1998, Pages 423-434
- P.T. Sprunger, E. Laegsgaard, F. Besenbacher,
Growth of Ag on Cu(100) studied by STM:
From surface alloying to Ag superstructures,
Physical Review B, Volume 54, Issue 11, September 1996, Pages 8163-8171