The world seeing by DME instruments

Basically, a scanning probe microscope is an instrument for positioning a sharp tip at a defined distance above the surface of some sample. In contradistinction to other positioning instruments, the scanning probe microscope works on the nanometer scale. In standard modes, forces are measured in order to scan a surface topography, see also the Introduction of Scanning Probe Microscopy.
Besides the mechanical interaction, however, a measuring tip can interact in many other ways with a surface. Several different measuring methods exist, such as MFM (magnetisation), SCM (capacitance), KFM (Potential), SSRM (resistance).

Here we want to present a variety of applications.
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Topography of different surfaces

Silizium, Topographie Silizium, Austrittsarbeit Silizium, Topographie Silizium, Austrittsarbeit
From left to right: PZT ceramics, surface of a polished glass lense, Atomic layer structure of HOPG (Highly Ordered Pyrolytic Graphite) and height profile across one atomic layer (right)

SiC and Graphene atomic layers: topography (left) and phase (right) are measured simultaneously.

Single atomic resolved UHV-STM image Nanodots on carbonized tungsten Nanodots on carbonized tungsten
From left to right:
Single atomic resolved UHV-STM image. Physik, Uni Marburg
Nanodots on carbonized tungsten, UHV-STM. Physikalische Chemie, Uni Innsbruck
Nanodots on carbonized tungsten, UHV-STM. Physikalische Chemie, Uni Innsbruck

Krebszellen Krebszellen Krebszellen
Colon cancer cells

Detailed information: The world seen by DME instruments - Topography

Magnetic samples

Magnetische Probe, Topographie Magnetische Probe, MFM Magnetische Probe, Topographie Magnetische Probe, MFM
Magnetic samples: topography (links) and magnetic information, MFM, (right) are measured simultaneously.

Magnetische Probe, Topographie Magnetische Probe, MFM
Special steel: topography (links) and magnetic information, MFM, (right) are measured simultaneously.

Magnetische Probe, MFM Nano structurized magnetic layer Harddrive
Left: Nano structurized magnetic layer, DS95-50, color: magnetic information, shadow effect: topography. PTB Braunschweig
Middle: Magnetic nano particles of different magnetisation are measured simultaneously.
Right: Magnetic information on a harddrive

Detailed information: The world seen by DME instruments - Magnetic sample

Electrical properties

Nano particles on silicon: topography (left) and work function, KFPM, (right) are measured simultaneously.

Multilayer condensator: topography (left) and work function, KFPM, (middle) are measured simultaneously.

Detailed information: The world seen by DME instruments - Electrical properties

Optical nearfield spectroscopy (SNOM)

Photoluminescense measurements of optical semiconductors, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Technische Universität Braunschweig

Detailed information: The world seen by DME instruments - Scanning nearfield optical microscope


Lithographie Lithographie
With a scanning probe microscope you can not only record information, but you can also transfer information onto a sample.

Detailed information: The world seen by DME instruments - Lithography